Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oreo Cream Pie

3 tubs of cool whip 
2 packages of regular oreos
skim milk

  1. Use whatever type of cake pan or loaf pan you like- the taller the better (the taller the pan, the more layers you can create).  A 9x13 is not tall enough.  I usually use a loaf pan, a casserole dish, or buy an aluminum casserole tub from the store.
  2. Pour some skim milk into a bowl.  Plop Oreos into the milk for 10 seconds, then turn them onto the other side (basically, get both sides a little soggy).  
  3. Line one layer of soggy Oreos on the bottom of the pan.  Spread a tub of cool whip on top of the single layer of Oreos.
  4. Repeat the Oreo-sogging process and place another layer of soggy Oreos on top of the cool whip.  
  5. Spread another tub of cool whip over the second layer of Oreos.
  6. Repeat the steps until you have the desired number of layers (and until your pan is about to overflow).

*You can use more or less oreos and tubs of cool whip depending on the size your pan.
*I often decorate the top with sprinkles or M&Ms.  Go wild.
*Feel free to mix up your cookie selection- Mint Oreos, Nutter Butters, Golden Oreos, etc.

Recipe: Confectionary Cave

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